CASA competition 2017: Arad, Romania

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Architecture Student Associations of Romania / Jurylid / Prijsvraag / Werk
Arad in 1860

The Architecture Students’ associations of Romania invited Teun as a member of the jury for the annual Architecture Students Contest. More than 170 students took part in the contest, named Concursul Anual al Studentilor Arhitecti C|A|S|A.

This years’ competition was based on a vacant plot near the historical city centre of Arad. Over 170 entries were submitted by teams consisting of two students each. The thoroughly articulated brief focused on collective housing scheme with the intention of creating a community. In most of the cases the teams successfully investigated architecture as a means to achieve social interaction and communications between city dwellers.


The ambition to bring together and unite 2nd year-students of all four Romanian architecture schools has been realised several times in an annual concours and has proven itself. Teun participated in the jury together with architects Claudiu Ionescu (RO) Alexandru Nagy-Vizitu (RO) and Ivan Torres (ESP). The jury took place in nearby Timosoara, in the Architecture faculty building of the organising committee. It was the second time Teun participated in the jury, after coming to Cluj for the CASA competition in 2015.

the competition site in Arad, Romania

the competition site in Arad, Romania

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